Edit User Profile, Change User Role, Remove Users From the Program or View List of Active Employees

Edit User Profile, Change User Role, Remove Users From the Program or View List of Active Employees

Managing or viewing active users is simple and quick to do. In the system you can:

  1. View a list of all active employees and current account balances.
  2. Add new users. 
  3. Modify a user's information including email address, passwords, mailing address and more .
  4. Change a user's status within the system between Administrator, Manager or Collector. 

All users are managed from the MANAGE USERS screen. to get there click on MANAGE PROGRAM then MANAGE USERS:

From this screen you will be able to manage all users. 

  1. Click CREATE to add a new user. 
  2. Click the VIEW button to assume their account and see what the user sees. 
  3. Click the PEN to edit the user's information. 
  4. Click the X to remove an employee from your program.    

Creating A New User

When you click on CREATE a new user, you will have to fill in some mandatory details such as name, email address etc. When you save their basic information, you can then send the the user a welcome email by clicking on edit more details

Next scroll down the bottom of their page to click on the WELCOME button. 


Editing A User/Changing User Role

You can change a user's details or level of authority. To do this, click on the Pencil (edit) button. From there you can click on any of the headers in order to update them. To change the user's role (e.g. from collector to manager or Administrator):

  1. Click on SETTINGS
  2. Change the user's role
  3. Click UPDATE at the bottom of the screen
  4. The member will be required to log out of their session and log back into the program to initiate the change on their end. They may also need to clear their cache and website data.


Removing A User

If an employee leaves the company, they should be removed from your program immediately so they do not have access to company data. 

Note: Removing the employee from your program will not delete their account. The user is moved under the generic Teamo platform and they can continue to use up their remaining points. 

To remove the user, just click on the "X" as per the above diagram. 

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