How Do I Change A Users TeamPoints Allowance?

How Do I Change A Users TeamPoints Allowance?

If you are looking to learn more about how TeamPoints works and how to set up TeamPoints, please see this article first:

What are TeamPoints and How do They Work?

Once you have set up TeamPoints and set your user's default points allowance, you can now change an individual user's allowance by editing their profile. For example, if the default setting is 75 TeamPoints per month, and you wish to have a user to have 150, you can edit that user's profile to set them to receive 150 points in their bank. 

To do this: 

On the main menu go to Manage Program (1) then Manage Members (2):

From the user screen select the user you wish to change their TeamPoints balance:


  1. Once in the user's profile click on SETTINGS
  2. Now you can change the number of points and the frequency of when the TeamPoints allowance is reset. 


Once you have made your changes, press SAVE and the user will be updated.

Note that this change will take place on the next points period. E.g. If you want to change a user from 75 points a month to 150, changing it mid-month will mean that they will have a new points allowance at the start of the next month.

Note: If you want a user to have no teampoints you must delete both the point value in the field (do not leave a value of zero) and you must de-select the Points Per Period - if it still shows month/quarter or year then the system will force you to enter a point value. 

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