How to Create and Manage Challenges as a Manager or Administrator

How to Create and Manage Challenges as a Manager or Administrator

Using Challenges is a great way to engage your team and to accomplish specific tasks. Users are assigned challenges and check off each task as they are completed. Once a user has completed a challenge, the manager who created the challenge logs into the system and approves the challenge as being successfully completed. Recognition and points are not issued until the challenge creator confirms that the challenges were completed correctly. 

 Creating A Challenge

To create a challenge go to COMMUNICATION then click on MANAGE CHALLENGES:


From there you will come to your Manage Challenges Screen. if this is your first time creating a challenge this screen will appear empty. From this screen you can: 

1. View all the challenges you created.
2. Assess the progress of each challenge
3. See when the challenge deadline is

To create a challenge click on the CREATE + button on the top right of the screen. From the CREATE A CHALLENGE screen you can now add all the challenge details: 



A completed challenge will look like this:

When this is saved, any person(s) who are challenge recipients will be notified via email and the TeamBoard. 

Modifying A Challenge 

To modify a challenge just click on the edit button on the right side. From there you can go into the challenge and make any changes such as adding users, changing dates, point values etc.  

Viewing Challenge Progress and Confirming Challenges are Completed

To view the progress of a challenge or to mark a user's challenge as complete, go to the VIEW button to the right of the challenge:

From there you can see all users and their progress. This screen shows each user and their progress.

1. Incomplete: the user has not completed all tasks. 
2. Pending: the user has completed all tasks and is waiting manager approval. 
3. Complete: The task is completed and approved by the manager. 

 To update or to see a specific user,  click on the VIEW button under actions:


From here you can:

1.  Can confirm each task as completed or not. 
2. Approve their challenge as completed (even if all tasks are not marked as complete). 

Ending and Deleting Challenges

To end a challenge and make it unavailable to employees, to go the bottom of the screen and click ENABLE CHALLENGE. When this is off, the challenge is inactive and users cannot take the challenge and it will not be shown on the TeamBoard. It will also prevent notifications from going out to users about the challenge. 

To delete the challenge and all its associated data you can click DELETE CHALLENGE from the MANAGE CHALLENGES page. Note that deleting a challenge will not delete any merits issued as a result of completing the challenge:


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