How to create and manage polls.

How to create and manage polls.

Using polls is a great way to gather feedback about specific topics. You can deploy polls to individual users, departments or to specific locations.


Creating A Poll


To create a poll:

1. Go to COMMUNICATION on the main menu.
2. Click on MANAGE POLLS:



3. Once on the MANAGE POLLS page you will see existing pols and can add a new one by clicking on CREATE:


4. Once the poll has come up, enter the poll title then
5. Enter the question you want to ask:

6. From there choose if you want the question to be Multiple choice or a text answer: 


7. Next choose who you want to deploy the poll to. You can send it to all users, a division, a location or specific people. To add more than one person, location or division after you press enter to add a person, type in another name. 


8. Finally, choose which merit and points you want to attach the poll to (if needed).
9. Decide if you want the poll respondents to view the results after they answer or not
10. Save it to send it out:


Once you send a poll out, it will appear on the user's TeamBoard and each user will be emailed to advise them they have a poll assigned to them. 


Modifying A Poll 

From the MANAGE POLLS SCREEN, click on the edit button on the right side of that specific poll:

You can:

1. Edit the poll (change dates, add more users etc.). 
2. View the poll results. 
3. Delete the poll.

Note: You cannot change the wording of a poll question once users have answered the poll. 

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