How to Issue Points (Merits) to Employees
Issuing points is a simple process:
Step 1: Make sure you are on the TeamBoard (click on TeamBoard to get there) then go to the RECOGNIZE SOMEONE on the top of the page.
In the RECOGNIZE SOMEONE type the person's name. If you want to recognize everyone in a division or location you can also type that division or location's name here too. As you type, Teamo will narrow down the results.
You can recognize multiple people, an entire division. location or if you are a manager you can recognize your team:

Once you have found your people, you click their name and their avatar will appear on the list under the Name box:
Next type the reason for awarding them the points in the "What's the recognition for?" box:

Choose a merit that the award is attached to.
Choose your points:
- Choose your points source. E.g. Company points (only visible to managers and administrators), or via your monthly TeamPoints allotment.
- Enter the value of points awarded to the selected people by clicking a button, entering a different value in the points field or by leaving the default point value.
- Choose if the Merit being awarded will be recognized Publicly (on the TeamBoard) or Private - so that no one else will see it other than the manager and the collector.

Finally hit Recognize at the bottom. The person(s) receiving the Merit (points) will be notified via email.
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