How to remove an employee from the program

How to remove an employee from the program

When an employee is no longer employed by your group, it is imperative that you remove them from your program. Removing them from the program does not delete their account as they still have access to the points that they've earned. Removing the employee simply moves their account to our systems which allows us to work with them and use any existing points that remain.

If you fail to remove employees from the program they will continue to have access to your program as would any other active employee.

 To remove employees:

1. Log into your account.

2. Click on MANAGE PROGRAM in the left side menu board.


3. Locate the employee would you like to remove and click on the "X" beside their name.

If you have a large number of people that need to be removed you can provide us with a list of the names and we can take care of it for you.