How to Merge Duplicate User Accounts

How to Merge Duplicate User Accounts

Sometimes a user will register with one email address, while the client uses another to register that same user, resulting in a duplicate account. The good news is that this is easy to fix.


Step 1:  Search for the user account you wish to merge (i.e. the one that will be closed down)



Step 2: Find the account to be closed and merged:

(1) Search for the user by name or email address for the account that is going to be merged (or closed) then (2) click on EDIT USER:

Step 3: Edit the User Account:

Make sure the DETAILS tab is selected


Scroll to the bottom and click on MERGE ACCOUNTS


Step 4: Merge Accounts

Teamo will ask you to find the primary user account which the duplicate account will be merged into. This is the account that you want displayed in your program. (1) Search by email address then (2) click on the user when you find them:

 This brings up the account details of the user you wish to merge the accounts into, if this is correct click MERGE:


 The system will ask to confirm that you wish to proceed and will show a summary of the transaction. From there click MERGE if you wish to proceed:

Once this process is complete, all comments, points, transactions etc all merge into a single account. The old email address will no longer be used to log in, only the email address(es) on the main account will work. 
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