View and Manage TeamPoints Accounts

View and Manage TeamPoints Accounts

TeamPoints is a points allowance that each person can receive that they can use to recognize others when issuing a Merit (recognition). TeamPoints can have allowances that are set:

  • By Month
  • By Quarter
  • By Year

Once a user has issued all their TeamPoints for the period they are unable to issue more. Their points reset at the beginning of each period and points to do carry over.

As an administrator you can also control for each user:

  • How many (if any) each user can award.
  • How often  points are provided.
  • When the period resets (if quarterly or annually).

To access the TeamPoints manager:

1. Go to REPORTS on the main menu.
2. Click on TeamPoints Report. 

From there you will see all users. You can see:

  1. Their current TeamPoints balance.
  2.  The maximum number of points they receive each period.
  3. The Period frequency (month, quarter, year).
  4. The edit function to change a user's TeamPoints account.

When you click on Edit you can:

  1. Update their points allowance.
  2. Change the period of the allowance.
  3. Update the user to save the changes.

Changing Multiple Accounts at Once 

You have the ability to change multiple accounts at once. To do this:

1 - If you want to filter by user role (collector (employee) or by manager or admin you can do that here first or:

2. Search for specific users in the search box. 

3. You can select multiple users by checking the box next to each name OR you can select all at the top of the user table. 

4. Click EDIT SELECTED.  Now you can change the points allowance, period and the month the annual period resets. 


When you click EDIT SELECTED you see the fields you can change:

1. The TeamPoints Balance - how many points they can give away each period. 
2. The period the points last for - monthly, weekly, or yearly. 
3. Update - to save changes. 

Note: if you set the renewal to YEAR you will also be asked which month the points reset as many companies do not go from January to January. 

Q. Can you transfer points from one user to another?
A. No. The point of allowance is to manage each user's account. You can change each user's points balance up or down if you like to (e.g. make Bob's account smaller and Jenny's larger). 

Q. Can I add a temporary boost a user's TeamPoints allowance?
A. No. Otherwise if there are points left in the account at the end of the period, it is not possible to determine if the remaining points are top-up points or regular TeamPoints. What you can do is increase the user's allowance and then return it back to normal.

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